Let's Go Back to the Bible

Our nation is perfect in every way, without a single flaw

The condition of the United States of America is deplorable, disgraceful, disheartening and downright despicable.  It seems at every turn there is a “new low” to which the leaders and citizens of this nation stoop.  The “lows” keep getting “lower,” and the pace of the deterioration keeps moving quicker.  But, I have good news for you!  The reality is that our nation is perfect in every way, without a single flaw!

What?  How can that be?  How can it be stated in the same paragraph that the U.S.A. is deplorable but our nation is perfect?  It is simply a matter of perspective: which nation is “our nation”?  As New Testament Christians, the Lord instructs us that “our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20), for God’s people are part of “a holy nation” (1 Pet. 2:9).  It is that nation which is perfect, without a single flaw.

Our heavenly nation is perfect because God is there! It is God’s city (Heb. 12:22) and God’s paradise (Rev. 2:7), where “God Himself will be with [His people] and be their God” (Rev. 21:3).

Our heavenly nation is perfect because Jesus is there! Those in heaven are in a “far better” place (Phil. 1:23), for they are “present with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8), the Lamb of God who is worthy of our eternal praise (Rev. 5:8-13).

Our heavenly nation is perfect because only God’s faithful are there! Besides the glorious Godhead and His heavenly beings, “only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life” (having done the will of the Father, Matt. 7:21) will be in heaven (Rev. 21:27).

Our heavenly nation is perfect because not a single sin is there, for no one ever sins in heaven! “Nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it” (Rev. 21:27).  All sin remains on the “outside” (Rev. 22:15), for only righteousness dwells therein (2 Pet. 3:13).

Our heavenly nation is perfect because God’s Word comes from there and is leading us there! The “way” of the Lord is perfect (Psa. 18:30), the “law of the Lord” is perfect (Psa. 19:7), because God is perfect (Matt. 5:48).  His Word is the “perfect law of liberty” (Jas. 1:25), which purifies us in the sight of God (Eph. 5:26; Jas. 1:21), so that we can live as citizens of heaven here and enter into our home after this life (2 Cor. 5:1-8).

The earthly nation in which we reside now is far from perfect (and getting farther and farther away from “perfect” every day).  But, our heavenly nation, of which we are citizens right now, is perfect in every way, without a single flaw.  With that being true, where should we set our minds (Col. 3:1-2)?  Where should we lay up our treasures (Matt. 6:19-21)?