Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Give me Jesus, not religion!”

There are many who rant against religion—organized religion, more specifically. The common theme is the desire to have a relationship with Jesus and believe in Him without all the rules, rituals and regulations that traditionally go along with being affiliated with a church. Those who think this way are quick to cry “hypocrisy” and abandon the established system. To them what they are seeing does not represent what they are reading or have presupposed the church and Jesus to be. Their response to this is to radicalize the concept of church and Jesus. They redefine what church, worship and following Christ look like to fit their own construct.

I realize these are broad generalizations for an area of theology that is very fluid, always changing and emotionally charged. If you would permit me one more we will make application. In general they are done with the establishment feel of doing church. They do not connect with what they see around them. It no longer feels real. Religion has moved into a system of do’s and don’ts and robotic rule following. Those of this mindset are not going to keep doing something because they have always done it this way. In part, I can understand. If you are coming from the denominational world of large ornate cathedrals, mandated tithing and no concept of what the church is, you might want a change as well.

The only response to this is, “I understand your frustration. Let me show the church that Christ built.” We must show the world the church for which Christ died. Not the gilded, diluted, empty, dime-store, bobble-head knock offs that are on every corner. They are the strong delusion. They cheapen what is holy, change truth to a lie and cry peace when there is no peace. We can be part of the solution or part of the problem.

We must be exemplary in what true religion is (Matt. 5:16; Jas. 1:26-27). We must conduct ourselves in such a way that God is glorified, and that no word or deed betrays the truth of who God is. We must also teach, educate and influence the way people think about religion (Acts 5:42). Truth has always had opposition. From Genesis to Revelation, people have tried to change what the Creator has instructed the created. We must be patient with people and teach the truth in love as people come out of the cloud of confusion (Eph. 4:14-15; 2 Thess. 2:9-10). The issue is not religion or Jesus. The issue is their concept of religion and Jesus.

You can have religion without Jesus but you cannot have Jesus without religion. It is deity that determines the system of worship. It is deity that dictates how an unholy man should approach a holy God. The sincere plea, “Give me Jesus, not religion,” can be a cry for truth. Please see this can be a person who is tired of being lied to and wants to know God.