Let's Go Back to the Bible

When Satan tests you, God will toughen you!

The Christians to whom Peter wrote his first letter were suffering terrible persecution because of the name which they wore (1 Pet. 4:16). Their “adversary, the devil” was truly prowling around, “seeking someone to devour” (5:8). These Christians were urged to “resist” him and remain “firm in your faith” (5:9). But, WHERE IS GOD? Sometimes when the devil is testing us, we want to know what God is doing? “Why isn’t He helping me?!”

Read the next verse. “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace” (thank God for His grace!) “will Himself” (not by proxy of someone else) do FOUR things for you (5:10). (1) He will “perfect” you—mending you and making you whole like a fisherman does his nets. (2) He will “establish” or “confirm” you—making you secure in your footing for Him. (3) He will “strengthen” you—emboldening you with greater might to resist Satan’s attacks. (4) He will “settle” you—grounding you firmly on the foundation of His love and power.

Where is God? He is working to bring you out stronger than you went in!