Let's Go Back to the Bible

What would you write?

Sometimes we read articles and we think: “Well, I wouldn’t have said it that way. He/She should have said this. That really didn’t have as much impact as it could have or should have.” A very wise man told me nearly 30 years ago, “There are many editors and few authors.” So, if you are one that thinks “it should be said better” or “it could be said better,” then by all means, “Say it.”

But, for any written communication to be taken seriously from you, it must first be “read” in your life. That’s why Paul told early Christians, “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men” (2 Cor. 3:2). People are going to “read you” first before they “read your words.” If your life isn’t worth following, your words won’t be either.

Is there something your friends need to hear? Is there something your family members need to hear? Then write it (Heb. 13:22; 1 John 2:1). Write them a personal letter. If you’re on social media, use that to teach and encourage others. To make an impact in the lives of others, what would you write?