Let's Go Back to the Bible

Should we change our position?

I ran across this quote yesterday and found it very interesting:  “Effective 24 January 2006, the NAC has changed its position on Holy Baptism…. A specially scheduled information evening in Uster (Switzerland) was transmitted via satellite to all NAC congregations around the world.”

At least two things stand out in this announcement.  First, someone (or some ones) felt it was necessary to make a change of position on baptism.  If a person holds a position contrary to the Bible’s teaching on a subject, he needs to change it.  But, that was not the case in this “change.”  It was a man-made change—desired, initiated and executed by men for men.  Second, the change was transmitted to all congregations around the world, so that they could also change their position.  The church in the Bible is organized with autonomous congregations, so that such a “broadcast” in change of position is not only unnecessary but also unscripturally-based.

If we’ll go back to the Bible and take God’s position on matters, we won’t have to change.