Let's Go Back to the Bible

Please stop! Everything is not about race!

The very word “black” and the word “white” are now words that trigger reactions (negative reactions) in the minds of so many—even when those words are not even being used of people. Recently individuals have been offended by “black” and “white” chess pieces and “black” and “white” checkered patterns on the chessboard. Some people react when they hear that something is written in “black and white” or about the old days of watching “black and white” TV.

There is no PERSON on this earth who is “black” and no PERSON is “white.” One’s skin color may be darker than another, but that does not make the PERSON “black.” One’s skin color may be lighter than another, but that does not make the PERSON “white.”

EVERY PERSON is the SAME color! Except they are not a color at all! EVERY PERSON is COLORLESS! The “spirit” of a person is the actual person! The “body” (with its pigment-varied “flesh” tones, Luke 24:39) is not the person, but an abode for the spirit/person (Jas. 2:26)! How shallow to focus on (or be triggered by) the color of the house that someone is living in!