Let's Go Back to the Bible

Let brotherly love continue

We are living in a time when so many things are being cancelled—sporting events, church events, political events, school events, etc. Is it possible that we have allowed the cancelling of so much around us to cause us to cancel our daily actions as a Christian? Is there any reason that our conduct as a child of God should have taken a break during a national crisis?

The early church faced all kinds of pressure and conflicts. The relations between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians were often strained. Persecution for faith in Jesus Christ was prevalent. It would have been so easy for those Christians to pack it in and wait for better times to engage in their Christian duties. But they didn’t. In the book of Hebrews, those Christians were commended “in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints” (6:10). And, rather than say they’d done enough, the writer urged them, “Let brotherly love continue” (13:1).

Let us not cancel our ministering to each other! Especially now! Let us keep on showing love to our brethren!