Let's Go Back to the Bible

Do you agape Jesus?

I could ask, “Do you love Jesus”? But, I think that it has a different ring to it to ask, “Do you agape Jesus?” As humans (and especially Americans) we have equated “love” with an emotion that we feel. Of course, we need to have an emotional affection for Jesus, but that is not the question here, nor is it the word that is used most frequently for our response to Jesus.

Do you have an unselfish, unconditional devotion to Jesus that seeks His best, His needs and His desires? That is the exact devotion that Jesus had (and has) for us (Eph. 5:2; Gal. 2:20). But, do we have that for Him? If we do, it will be evident in our lives. If we agape Jesus, we will keep His commandments and will keep His word (John 14:15, 21, 23). It will not be driven by an emotional response (which can wax and wane), but by an action-based response to an unselfish desire to fulfill the ultimate desires of our Lord.

Do you agape Jesus? It is an answer that will not come from your lips but from your life.