Let's Go Back to the Bible

Young Men Leading in Worship

Having our Christian young men involved in leadership roles in worship is such an encouragement to me!  Sometimes there is a mindset that says, “We ought to wait until they are older and more mature and better trained to lead before we ‘put them up there.’”  But such an approach is harmful!  It’s harmful for everyone involved!

I am encouraged when the guys are included in the regular rotation and scheduled to lead in worship just as all the other Christian men of the congregation are.  But I especially look forward to the Sunday evening worship times when the young men conduct the entire worship.  I remember enjoying that as a young boy, when I would see teenage Christians (older than me) leading in worship.  I remember being one of those teenage boys, when I got my first opportunity to preach during one of those Sunday evening “youth led” worship services.  Now, as an “older” Christian, I think this is one of the best things that the church can do for its young men.

Having our young men leading in worship, including entire Sunday evening assemblies, is good for: (1) the young men (giving them opportunities to be involved and to grow); (2) younger children (who see “the big kids” involved and taking a lead in the church); (3) the entire congregation (so they can get to know the young men better and encourage them); (4) visitors (who see that the church is looking out for the next generation).

I wholeheartedly agree with one of our members who said to me this last Sunday night (when our young men conducted the entire worship), “I’m glad that we’re doing this more often.”  This ought to be something to which every member of the congregation looks forward, when they see it on the schedule of men to serve.  I don’t understand at all any member who would see the young men scheduled to lead the entire service and intentionally decide not to come, saying, “Oh, it’s just the boys up there again!  I’m not going to go for that!”  Brethren, you should want to be at worship every time the doors are open, but you should especially see those Sunday nights as opportunities to praise God together, being led by ones with truly sincere hearts, and having a chance to encourage our young men.

I am thankful to be a part of a congregation that loves its young people and seeks ways to encourage them to walk with the Lord.  I am thankful for our elders, who believe in training and developing our young people to take leadership roles in the church.  I am thankful for our young men and the great efforts they put in to leading us in worship.