Let's Go Back to the Bible

Wanted: Christian Husbands

Being a “Christian husband” is a tremendous responsibility.  First of all, it emphasizes being a “Christian.”  A Christian is one who has submitted to Christ, put on Christ and is seeking to emulate Christ.  (The focus is no longer on self but on Christ!)  Quite a responsibility!  Second, it emphasizes being a “husband.”  A husband is one who has committed to his wife, been joined by God to his wife and is now one with his wife.  (The focus is no longer on self but on the wife!)  Quite a responsibility!  Christian husbands, take a few moments and reflect on the role that Christ has given to you as the husband.

A Christian husband is to leave father and mother and cleave to his wife (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5). This is a new relationship that requires your utmost attention!  You are no longer “the child” in the relationship (as with father and mother); you are “the man” in the relationship.  Therefore, you need to be a man—a grown-up, responsible man—and not behave like a child!

A Christian husband is to be the head of his wife (Eph. 5:23). That does not mean that you’re the dictator or the all-knowing, never-wrong, don’t-question-me boss.  Being the head brings responsibility—for the direction of your home (especially the spiritual direction).  It brings accountability—for the eternal dwelling place of those in your home.  The place that Christ, His church and righteousness have in your home is squarely on your shoulders.  You cannot fail to be the “head” spiritually, but then force your “headship” in other areas.

A Christian husband is to love, nourish, cherish, render affection to and please his wife (Eph. 5:23-33; 1 Cor. 7:2-5, 33). The focus of a Christian husband is NOT on himself (what he needs or what he wants).  In marriage, the husband’s agape love for his wife seeks her needs and what’s best for her.  It requires a complete transformation of mindset—from self-centered to her-centered.  Agape love “does not seek its own” (1 Cor. 13:4-5).

A Christian husband is to provide for his wife (1 Tim. 5:8). You’re the man, you’re the head, you’re the leader—so take it seriously.  Get a job and work.  Work hard.  Work doubly hard (you’re working for two people).  Don’t be lazy (Prov. 13:4)!  Provide for her!

A Christian husband is to honor his wife (1 Pet. 3:7). This starts when you “live with [her] in an understanding way.”  Understand God’s will for you, God’s will for your wife and God’s will for your marriage.  Then, respect God, respect His will and respect your wife, as your joint-heir of God’s promises.

Christian husbands submit themselves to Christ and commit themselves to their wives!  We need more Christian husbands, who will take their God-given role seriously!